Use Castle for all your home spend

No other payment tool will save you more money on your home

Homeowners use Castle to simplify and save an average of more than $10,000.
“Castle found us thousands of dollars we didn’t realize we qualified for. Paying for our home expenses has been a breeze.”
Alicia and Ricardo
“Castle has given me critical guidance through my renovation process. My experience has been too good to be true for the price they charge.”
“Castle has identified more than $50k in credits for us. We now pay for all of our renovation expenses through Castle.”
GJ and Jana
“Working with Castle has been outstanding. Their expertise and tools have been instrumental in saving us numerous hours and thousands of dollars.”
“Castle helped us get additional value from our renovation project, enabling us to transform our home beyond our expectations.”
Chris and Ryan
“Castle found us thousands of dollars we didn’t realize we qualified for. Paying for our home expenses has been a breeze.”
Alicia and Ricardo
“Castle has given me critical guidance through my renovation process. My experience has been too good to be true for the price they charge.”
“Castle has identified more than $50k in credits for us. We now pay for all of our renovation expenses through Castle.”
GJ and Jana
“Working with Castle has been outstanding. Their expertise and tools have been instrumental in saving us numerous hours and thousands of dollars.”
“Castle helped us get additional value from our renovation project, enabling us to transform our home beyond our expectations.”
Chris and Ryan
The all in one payment platform designed specifically for your house.
Because the thing you spend the most money on deserves its own tools.
Unified home spend
Pay anyone
Pay for all your home expenses with the Castle app. Castle bridges the gap so that your vendors receive payment however they prefer it.
Pay from anywhere
Ditch your checkbook. Pay invoices on the spot and on the go with our intuitive mobile app.
See it all in one place
Access all of your invoices and auto-pay set-ups in one clean, readable, and powerfully searchable ledger.
Home savings concierge
Save thousands of dollars
Castle will identify home-specific tax credits, rebates, and other savings strategies for your property and prepare all the paperwork. The average Castle user saves over $10k on their home with credits and rebates.
Stop worrying if you’re paying too much
Have Castle monitor your transactions for double charges, overcharges, and opportunities to pay less. We’ll notify you if your electricity bill seems high or if you could save with a different broadband plan.
Help from humans when you need it
Contact your concierge for benchmarks on the cost of a repair or help understanding your tax bill. We’ll always be honest and fight for your interests because our incentives are aligned — we win when you save.

About Castle

Ask us a different question:

What you'll get:

Our full suite of purpose-built home payment tools.
Dedicated, end-to-end support to claim tax credits, rebates, and other savings for your property on an ongoing basis.
On-call access to our Home Savings Concierge for all your home finance questions and needs.
Ready to start saving time and money on your home?
Speak to us

Supported by a select group of angels and investors

Our investors include early backers of Venmo, Airbnb, and Dropbox.

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